Kevin Lamb
Kevin has over 25 years experience and a proven track record in the Information Technology and Communications industry. Following a 4 year stint in the Merchant Navy as a Radio & Electronics Officer, he went on to successfully spearhead numerous government communications projects for Racal and pioneer the development and introduction of information networks into many major public organisations and blue-chip corporates (including Cable & Wireless). He currently provides management consultancy services for one of Europe's leading companies in the information security systems integration sector.
Gill Smith
For 14 years, Gill headed up Data Protection for Devon County Council. In that time she provided consultancy and training to the highest standards on all aspects of the Data Protection Act, not just for the 'County but also for other public sector bodies, including police, probation and healthcare organisations. Gill is a well known member of the National Association of Data Protection Officers (NADPO) and presents regularly at their regional meetings together with providing consultancy for her own clients which include a leading software company, a housing association and several councils.
Ed Millie
Ed is an HR consultant specialising in delivery of employment law training and supporting clients with HR policy development. He is a regular contributor to industry conferences and the professional media and brings to the team a combination of both legal and practical understanding of information systems misuse, data protection and security policies. Ed has first-hand experience of the very expensive and unpleasant problems email and internet misuse can cause for organisations. Prior to his consultancy career, he was Personnel Director for KPMG and Head of Personnel Operations for Xerox in the UK.
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